Theme Verse

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

April 2018

I cannot believe that we are already into the fourth quarter!  Report cards will be sent on Friday, April 6. This year has gone so quickly. We've had a great time in first grade, but there is still much to learn and much to do!

April begins a busy time here at Bethany Christian School.  Here is a list of dates to remember:
                April 9-13 - Terra Nova Testing
                April 16 - Ruth 1:16 Due
                April 19 - Crazy Sock Day (School-wide Spirit Day)
                April 20 - Fine Arts Gala & Open House
                April 26 - No Hot Lunch
                ***May 4 - Field Trip to the Chester County Historical Society - Permission                                          slips will be sent home soon.

We have two April birthdays in our class:

Ethan will celebrate his birthday on April 18.
Ben P. will celebrate his birthday on April 27.

Happy birthday, Friends!

Friday, April 20 is our Fine Arts Gala and Open House. Our music and art lesson students will be providing entertainment and art pieces for showcase on this exciting evening. The third graders will be playing their recorders (so you can see what fun and excitement you can look forward to in a couple of years!). There will also be performances from our band students. Refreshments will be provided by McCormick Orthodontics. Please plan to join us for this special evening to support our very talented students at Bethany.

A Look Ahead:

Thursday, May 17 - We will hold a Silent Auction Preview from 5-8 pm. Buzz Tyson from the Lighthouse Youth Center in Oxford will be serving his famous chicken. All chicken dinners must be pre-ordered to make sure we do not run out of food. Order forms will be sent home closer to the date of the preview night.
Friday, May 18 – We will be having the Race for Education.  All students will be participating and families are invited to come and cheer for the children as they run.    There will also be a silent auction.  Please remember to send in your items for our Game Time/Exercise Room  basket.  Thank you to those who have already contributed.

If you are attending the race, please plan to sign out your child early in the day and keep him/her with you at all times prior to our race in order to allow him/her to experience all of the fun and exciting activities of the day.
Our Sharing Chair will also be in the auction this year.  It has gone from being a plain white plastic chair to being covered with the signatures of your budding writers!  We will continue adding signatures through the end of the school year; the chair will be on display for the auction, but will not be sent home with the highest bidder until the end of the year. 
New This Year: Race Day will conclude with an ice cream social following the awards ceremony. 

On Monday, June 11, which is now our last day of school, I would like to have a picnic to celebrate our year together. In the past, we have gone to Nottingham Park for our picnic and have had a great time. I need 3-4 parents who are willing to take charge of planning the picnic for us. If you are interested, please let me know. Thanks!

As the weather begins to warm up, it is important that your child brings a water bottle to school each day.   First graders are able to keep water bottles on desks throughout the day so that we may keep our bodies hydrated.  Please be sure that your child has a water bottle every day.  Thanks!

Please continue to work with your children at home on flashcards, spelling words, and reading.  It really does help them to have that extra few minutes of practice.  The Book-it program ended in March, but students should still be reading at home for 20 minutes at least  3-4 days each week. It is okay if the reading is somewhat challenging; allow your child to work on sounding out the words that may be difficult.

If you are interested in helping as a reading parent during the month of April, please visit this link:

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that may arise.  Thank you for your active participation in our classroom.

In Him,
Jackie McClure