Dear Parents,
Welcome to
First Grade at Bethany Christian School ! I am so glad that God has placed your child
in my class for the upcoming school year!
For those of you who were able to make it out to our Open House, it was
a pleasure to meet you. If you were
unable to attend, I look forward to meeting you sometime soon.
My name is
Jackie McClure, and I am a 2001 graduate of Pensacola Christian College , in
Florida . I have a daughter, Cadence, who is in fourth grade at BCS this
This will be my thirteenth year teaching first grade at BCS ,
and I am very thankful for the opportunity to teach your child.
There will
be no school on Friday, September 1, and Monday, September 4.
Our initial
time together in first grade will be spent getting to know each other, and
helping your child become familiar with the new environment, as well as the
routines and rules that he/she will be expected to follow throughout the
I will be sending information to those
who volunteered as homeroom parents/party helpers, as soon as I can get all of
the necessary contact information together.
If you did not get to sign up at Open House, but are interested in
serving as a Homeroom Parent or Helper, please let me know so that I can
include your contact information on the list.
I would like each child to keep one silent
reading book in his/her desk at all times. Please send a silent reading
book to school for your child as soon as possible. Thank you.
Each day, your child will be participating in a special
class. Our schedule for the year is as
– Spanish
Tuesday – Music
Wednesday – Art
Thursday – Gym (Please dress your child
appropriately, in comfortable clothing and sneakers. No jeans, please.)
Friday - PC Lab
I will let you know if the schedule changes at all during the
course of the year.
Every Wednesday, your child will be attending a Chapel service in the church sanctuary. It is our goal to not only teach your child more about God and His love and plan for them, but also to train him/her to behave in a reverent and respectful manner while in a church building. Children are expected to bring their Bibles to Chapel, and to be attentive throughout the service. Each year, there is a theme verse for all of the students at
In addition
to weekly Chapel services, our class will have a daily Bible lesson in the
classroom. As a part of Bible class,
children will be given Bible memory work throughout the year. Our first Bible verse for the year is our
theme verse. We will learn one verse of
the passage at a time, and eventually be able to put it all together. We will start with 2 Timothy 1:7: 'For
God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.' This will be sent home in Bible
memory books on Tuesday, August 29, and will be due to return back to school
for recitation on Friday, September 8.
Please be sure to send Bible memory books back to school on the due date
throughout the year.
We are
celebrating one birthday in our class this month:
will celebrate her birthday on September 13.
birthday, Sonya!
Save the Date!
Day will be held on Friday, October 6.
This is also a half-day of school.
Children will need to bring a snack to school, but no
lunch. Please watch for more information
to be sent home this month.
Our annual
banquet will be held on Friday, October 20 at 6:30
pm at Bethany Christian School . This is also a half-day of school. Children will
need to bring a snack to school, but no lunch. Please be sure to send
in your RSVP for the Banquet as soon as possible. I hope to see you there as we celebrate how
God is using Bethany in
our community.
If you do
not have access to the internet, please let me know before the second week of
school, if you have not already done so.
In the future, parent letters will be posted on our class blog. Please check our blog often for more class
information (
Those families without internet access will receive a hard copy of each
month’s parent letter in their child’s white folder on the first Tuesday of the
Also, please be sure to join
our Class Dojo so that you are able to keep up with what we are doing
throughout the day. If you need your code again, send me an email and I will
get that to you.
Once again,
welcome to our first grade class! If you
have any questions or concerns throughout the year, you may contact me by
calling the school office, at (610) 998-0877, and I will return your call at my
earliest possible convenience. You may
also send a note with your child, and I will contact you in the way that best
suits your schedule.
I am very
much looking forward to getting to know your child this year, as they grow and
learn in a Christ-centered environment.