Dear First Grade Families, May 2017
It is hard to believe that we are now entering our last full month of school! It doesn’t seem like very long ago when my classroom was full of brand-new first grade students, ready for an exciting new year. I have enjoyed watching those eager students grow and learn over the past months.
The Race for Education will be held on Friday, May 12. All students will be participating and families are invited to come and cheer for the children as they run (or even run with them!). You are encouraged to sign your child out after devotions (in the church) and spend the day with them. We only ask that you be sure your student is at the starting line when it is our race time. I am trying to get an accurate picture of how the day will work, so I am asking each of you to please let me know if you do or do not plan to attend the race.
There will be food trucks available for your family to enjoy breakfast and lunch. Food sales will be happening from the kitchen during certain times as well. There will also be a silent auction taking place in the gym, as well as a live auction between race times. Please remember to send in your items for our Disney Extravaganza basket. We are still in need of any items that you are able to send!
There will be no school on Tuesday, May 16, due to the election on that day. This is a calendar change.
Thursday, May 18 is a Spirit Day for Preschool-8th grade. This month our spirit day will be Career Day. Your child is invited to dress as what he/she would like to be when he/she grows up.
Our final Bible memory work for the year is as follows:
Psalm 145:17-18
"The Lord is righteous in all his ways
"The Lord is righteous in all his ways
and kind in all his works.
The Lord is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth."
This will be due on Thursday, May 18.
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight."
This will be due on Tuesday, May 30 .
Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday, May 29, Memorial Day.
On Monday, June 5, we will have Pet Day in our classroom. I will be sending a Sign-Up Genius link for 10-minute time slots to bring pets for a visit. Small, non-furry pets who live in cages or bowls (hermit crabs, lizards, fish...snakes!) may be brought for the day, but furry pets may only come for 10 minute visits. If your child has a rabbit for a pet, please note that we will most likely have to conduct your visit outside. I am very allergic to rabbits and even 10 minutes in the classroom would cause a reaction for me. If you have any questions or concerns regarding Pet Day, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Here is a list of important dates to remember in May:
~Friday, May 12 - Race for Education!
~Tuesday, May 16 - No school.
~Thursday, May 18 - Psalm 145:17-18 due
~Thursday, May 18 - Switcheroo Day
~Thursday, May 18 - Switcheroo Day
~Monday, May 29 - No School, Memorial Day
~Tuesday, May 30 - Proverbs 3:5-6 due
~Monday, June 5 - Pet Day
Have a wonderful Mother’s Day, and a beautiful month of May.
In Him,
Jackie McClure