Dear First Grade Families,
Welcome back! I pray that everyone had an enjoyable and
restful Christmas. Thank you to all who
helped with our classroom Christmas celebration. The children had a wonderful time, and I
appreciate the effort that went into making it such an exciting day!
Our classroom is full of excited
learners this year! I will be starting
our Reading Parent program within the next month. If you are interested in becoming a reading
parent, we must have all of your clearances on file in the office. I will send information home to those parents
who were interested in being a reading parent only if we have your clearances
on file. Thanks.
Please remember to fill out and
return the Book-It calendars for each month. I will be accepting December
calendars for the rest of this week. January calendars were sent home on
Tuesday, January 3. I apologize for not having them out before the break. You
may fill in any reading that your child did for January 1 and 2. Book-It is also
counted as your child's reading homework grade each month.
In Bible, we will continue our lessons on the life of
Moses and learn the Ten Commandments.
Commandments 1-3 are due Friday,
January 13.
1. You shall have no other gods
before me.
2. You shall not make for yourself
an idol.
3. You shall not misuse the name of
the Lord your God.
4-6 will be due Friday, January 27.
4. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep
it holy.
5. Honor your father and your
6. You shall not murder.
7-10 will be due Friday, February 10.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not give false
10. You shall not covet.
On Monday, January 16, there will be
no school, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. During the previous week, we will have
discussed the reason for remembering Martin Luther King, Jr., and all that he
did for our nation.
We will be celebrating one birthday in our class this month, as well as
one half-birthday.
Ariel will have a
half-birthday on January 2.
Eliana will have a
birthday on January 4.
birthday, friends!
On January 19, we will have a
school-wide Spirit Day. This month’s
Spirit Day is Wacky/Clash Day. Have fun!
Please send your child to school dressed appropriately for
the winter weather. This includes a coat
that can zipper/button up the front, a hat or hood, and gloves or mittens. We do sometimes go outside when it is cold.
Important Dates to Remember:
January 13 – Commandments 1-3 due
Monday, January 16 - No School
Monday, January 16 - No School
January 19 - Wacky/Clash Day
January 20 –Second Quarter Ends
Friday, January 27 - Commandments 4-6 due
Friday, January 27 - Commandments 4-6 due
January 27 - Report Cards issued
February 10 - Commandments 7-10 due
As always, if you have any questions
or concerns, feel free to contact me by note or email ( Enjoy the winter weather, and stay warm!
In Him,
Jackie McClure